How to Make JESUS Famous


I’ve been asking myself what is the perfect way to introduce Jesus to people around me. I was frustrated that even though the urge is there to proclaim His love, I’m always bounded with corners and dead ends. I guess there is no other way to make Jesus famous but to be Christ-like. Below are four of my personal suggestions based on my personal experiences on how to make Jesus famous.

1. Excellence

If we want to make Jesus famous, let’s be a model of integrity in the office, give your best shot to perform well, let’s study for our exams, make sure we have no escalations, discipline ourselves, wake up early and avoid being late, let’s be wise in our finances and decisions, speak life to the nation. Knowing our identity in Christ is more than a pampalubag ng loob, it comes with responsibility that ought to make our Dad proud. Not to put pressure because we all know that these are all just an overflow. If in need, ask for grace to do it all. And when people ask how we do it, preach the Gospel. Nothing beats a personal, active and evident testimony.

2. Humility

Balancing the too-good-to-be-true image, number 1 will surely make us weary and burdened if it’s not anchored to Jesus. Thus, be humble. Remove self-entitlement and sarcasm. Accept compliments but give the glory to Jesus. Practical way in applying humility is by servanthood. Volunteer in outreach projects or even in our local church. Use our God-given gifts to showcase His love. When people ask why you have to be an usher when we’re already a doctor or a nurse or an engineer or a wealthy businessman or a graphic artist, preach the Gospel. Nothing beats energy gap than putting our energy in serving God’s people.

3. Discipleship

The way we’re excited to share our favorite movie and our new found travel destination with your friends should be the same passion we should have in sharing Jesus. The love of Christ is so beautiful and artsy and kewl and instagrammable and amazing and ka-puso-puso that it needs to be shared. There are thousands of people out there with the same mindset as our old self. They need someone to lead them closer to Jesus. If we want to make Jesus famous, reach out to our parents and siblings, to our neighbor and house-helpers, to our classmates and officemates and share them our breakeven point — that moment where Jesus’ all sufficient love met our broken life. Not tomorrow but NOW. With no other intention but love and compassion. We are called to GO and make disciples of all nations. There are plenty of ways to do it but what matters most is our commitment to do it. Let’s stop the justifications and just GO! As we enjoy God’s unfailing, unending, unchanging and oh so nakakakilig na love, let’s channel it to the world like the woman in the well. And in the journey of reaching out to the nations and the next generation, let’s stay connected to people whom can help us with practical and spiritual advices.

4. Scripture

All of the above boils down to this. Being Christ-like means being the man/woman that He wanted us to be and there is no other way than living according to the Scriptures. His words are God-breathe and is alive and will last forever. At the end of the day, our standard should be His words. Not the Facebook page we are following and sharing, not the preacher, not anyone but Him and His word. More than we check the label, let’s always check our heart if our lives are backed up with the word of God. We need consistency if we are to claim Christ-likeness. Many people say it’s impossible and boring and restricting and regressive, etc. but in so doing, we don’t just obey Jesus, we also become a living proof that it is not what they thought it was.

These may be overwhelming but His grace is sufficient. He ensures us that if anyone lacks wisdom, He will provide. Furthermore, He said that if we knock, the door will be opened. Jesus go beyond His comforts just to save us, I believe it’s just right to do the same for His glory and praise. I hope and I pray that as we are overwhelmed by His love, we will overflow. He already made a way when He said that it is done, all we have to do is to step up in faith and in obedience and walk bearing the name of the One who gave it all. Together, let us make Jesus famous.

